Contact Us Directly at agentmariancookannette@gmail.com


The Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) purpose are to benefit the Facebook community workers and all other social communities workers by distributing the profits from states lotteries run by the United state of America, United Kingdom, Australia And Canada Lotteries Commission.

The Board is empowered by the Department of Labor to make allocations to Lottery distribution committees; the Minister responsible for the Board for distribution for community purposes; and this statutory bodies – A worldwide promotion for Disabled, Employed and Unemployed Workers, Retired, Young & Old people. A Sophisticated Automated Database to Randomly select E-mail Accounts And profile Page Owners that frequently surf the Facebook. Consequent upon this, Your Facebook Profile Account was chosen for compensation.

The Board, compensation distribution committees and the Minister’s Discretionary Fund are serviced by the Department of Internal Affairs.

Each year the Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) allocates at least 42% of the lottery profits it receives to three statutory bodies:

Essential human services

Charity Organisations

Health Programs

The remaining profits are distributed by The Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) through a range of grant opportunities for individuals and groups.

About Us

The Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) has aid people all over the world having delivered more than $8.5 BILLION for valuable programs and courses. Our financial success reflects sound business planning and a commitment to integrity.Compensation won $707.7 million and $64.27 million is been delivered and claimed by different individuals.

The Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) is committed to a variety of corporate responsibility initiatives.A strong commitment to responsible lottery compensation is deeply embedded in our everyday culture. Demonstrating the Lottery’s ability to meet the highest standards in our industry for corporate and social responsibility, the compensation achieved Level 2 Certification in 2012 for its responsible gaming program from the World Lottery Association—one of only six U.S. lotteries to achieve this distinction—and it is now working towards Level 3 Accreditation. The National Council on Problem Gambling and McGill University also selected the (WCAB) and (DHHS) lottery as the recipient of the first “North American 2013 Holiday Campaign Award,” which recognized the Lottery’s outstanding commitment during the holiday season to responsible play. We were honored again with this award for our 2014 efforts.As we focus on the future, the Lottery’s purpose will remain the same as it has always been: To raise revenue in an entrepreneurial manner for the World, consistent with the highest standards of good public policy and social responsibility, by offering products to our winner that are fun and entertaining, and by ensuring the public’s trust through integrity and honesty.

It's a Federal Global Economic Grant.We embarked on a worldwide promotion for Deaf, Hearing and Retired Workers. We are Building Career for people that are in need,it will never affect any money you get from work or your government . It is free and you don't have to pay it back in any way. This promotion was made to provide benefit for everyone in need of money for bills, buying a home, starting business, going to school, or even help in raising your children. Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) in collaboration with World Deaf, Hearing and Retired Workers Federation Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Mexico ,USA and United Kingdom falls every part of the world.In view of this, your fund would be released to you by our affiliate bank throughout USA and nationwide Our agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds.

The Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) purpose are to benefit the Facebook community workers and all other social community workers by distributing the profits from states lotteries run by the United state of America,United Kingdom,Australia And Canada Lotteries Commission.The Board is empowered by the Department of Labour to make allocations to Lottery distribution committees; the Minister responsible for the Board for distribution for community purposes; and this statutory bodies – A worldwide promotion for Disabled, Employed and Unemployed Workers, Retired, Young & Old people. A Sophisticated Automated Database to Randomly select E-mail Accounts And profile Page Owners that frequently surf the Facebook. Consequent upon this, Your Facebook Profile Account was chosen for compensation.

The Board, compensation distribution committees and the Minister’s Discretionary Fund are serviced by the Department of Internal Affairs.

Other organization are also Fund

Each year the Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) allocates at least 42% of the lottery profits it receives to three statutory bodies:


Film Commission

Assistance of Church

The remaining profits are distributed by The Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) and Department of Health & Human Service (DHHS) through a range of grant opportunities for individuals and groups.


NOTE: Click on Claim Your Grant to Apply...

Note: This is a 24 hours Service.

WCAB & DHHS PROGRAM  Contact Us Directly at  agentmariancookannette@gmail.com INTRODUCTION: The Department of Workers Compensation Appea...